Bethenny Frankel – star of her own show – Bethenny Ever After – talks candidly & emotionally about suffering a miscarriage on her reality show.

Thank you Bethenny for reaching out to others who have suffered and letting us see how your miscarriage affected your life.  When more women open up about their experience & express themselves honestly about their miscarriage – it not only helps the person talking to work through the many emotions that come with the experience but also it helps those listening (whether or not they have experienced a miscarriage themselves) to understand what the woman is going though and how hey can help.  For great ideas on how to help someone who has suffered a miscarriage – please visit

Just posted on Bethenny’s website – hope we can help her and her fans who have also suffered a miscarriage:

Hi Bethenny, Just catching up and wanted to say that I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I also suffered a miscarriage (back in 1999.)  Then went on to have 2 great kids. From my miscarriage experience I realized that a lot of well meaning family & friends do not know what to say or do to help and my husband (partners of women who have miscarried)also suffer and deal with the grief differently.  So my friend and I created to demystify miscarriage and help women cope, hope and heal after miscarriage.  We share our story of a special bracelet of hope, our friendship and how we helped each other thru our miscarriage healing journies.  I hope we can help you & all your fans who have also suffered a miscarriage.  Please keep us laughing – and crying – love your show!!!!




I have watched Oprah for many years – some shows I agreed with, others I did not finish watching and still some gave me my own “ah ha” moment.  After 25 years I wanted to say to Oprah – “Thank you for making me a better woman & mom.”

The top 4 things I remember about all those shows as told in my own words – meaning what I took away from the show:

1) Don’t hold a grudge – Oprah told a story about how she had a disagreement with a friend and Oprah was holding a grudge.  She talked about all the energy and time she spent thinking about the disagreement and this person until one day she saw that person “skipdeedee doing” down the street.  Oprah realized at that moment that her friend was not wasting time thinking of Oprah but had moved on.  It was only Oprah who had given that friend all the power by letting the disagreement take up her thoughts and brain power that could have been used for something more useful.

2) Oprah always quotes Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz – “You have always had the power” with the actual quote being from –‘You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas’ is the quote from Glinda the Good Witch about Dorothy Gale knowing all along what to do.

I think of this quote often as a mom, wife, daughter, friend & co-worker –  when I get “stuck” in life – whether I am trying to make a decision, get through a bad day or challenge myself with something new.  I realize the “power” is always inside of me -I just have to have the courage to grab it and go.

3) Mom stories – Oprah in her 25 years has had a lot of moms on the show – moms who inspired me, moms who went public with their embarrassing moments as a mom or moms who made me cry (tears of joy or sadness).    I thank Oprah and all those moms who made my life a little sweeter and sometimes easier because of the stories they told – but mostly thanks for letting me feel not alone in my quest to be the best mom (& woman) I can be.

4) “Take your pain and turn it into power”  an Oprah quote- one of the reasons that Our Hope Place ( exists.   I believe that when something devastating happens to you (like a miscarriage) it helps to take that pain and channel it into something that will help others.  Once you see how you can help others, your pain lessens a little at a time and you feel empowered.

Have you learned anything from Oprah??? – let us know.

I just finished reading a unique book – “The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life” by Glen Beck & Keith Oblow.  I did not know what to expect when I opened the book but the following sentences from the book hit home with me.

They explained to me in words (all quotes below from their book) what we at Our Hope Place ( try to do everyday with the story of our miscarriages – share how we feel, share how we think about what happened to us and hopefully help others who find themselves in the same situation-to not feel so alone.

Why we share our story at Our Hope Place:

“We understand that no person’s life is precisely like any other’s, but we also understand that one life story can reflect the challenges each and every one of us faces in attempting to love ourselves and others and pursue happiness.”

“No two human experiences repeat themselves exactly, but there are underlying patterns that occur again and again – patterns we can learn a tremendous amount from.”

“Why can one life, honestly told, influence many lives?  Why can human beings learn from the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of others?  What energy is being tapped when one person is willing to completely open his or her heart and soul to others?”

Helping others to not feel alone after their miscarriage:

“So many of us believe we are alone in our shortcomings and fears and challenges and questions and hopes and dreams that we must keep ourselves undercover, lest we be seen for the imperfect people we are.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  There is far more that connects us than separates us.  We are all struggling.  We are all on difficult, sometimes tortuous, journeys that are really meant – designed, in fact, by God – to lead us to the best in ourselves.”

If you have experienced a miscarriage or know someone who has – please take a minute to tell them about so that “one human being’s intensely personal tests and triumphs can be harnessed to the good of countless others. “

Hi …   we are in the “on fire” (low flame level)  – won’t you help keep us on fire by voting – it takes two clicks…  THANKS!

Here is what it is all about:

We have entered a contest at Start Up Nation with leading Moms in Business…  the idea is to find the top 200 mom businesses, and help them out with PR.

We entered our company  Our mision is to demystify miscarriage.  We want to make it better for people who have suffered from miscarriage (and we know from personal experience just how devastating it is…  and how much help is needed).

Please click HERE to vote, it will just take a click to the website, then scroll down and click to vote… by doing so you will help us raise the profile of Our Hope… this will ultimately lead to us helping more women and their families who suffer from miscarriage…

You can vote every day until the March 31st… we are so close! Click here to learn more about Our Hope Place and those who suffer from miscarriage.

THANKS for your help…  every vote matters!  Thanks to those who have voted and those who will vote!  We are still in the running…